A Corpse To My Soul
A Corpse To My Soul
I don't know where to take this. This corpse of mine that
drags at my feet. It holds at my ankles with much desperation though it is
dead. I can smell its stench with each fading second, but I have become null to
it. Its grip, hollow, but somehow clings to me as if I am a God. And I hear it
pray behind its rotted teeth that I will raise it from death.
I try to ignore its spoiled flesh, its barren voice. But I
am drawn to it when the world becomes a haven for burdens. I listen to it with
regretful intent. And when I listen, the hills before me, grow that much
higher. I become a thimble of a man, pressed heavily with anguish. With the
constant battle of what is no longer, as I clasp with aspiration to create what
will be.
And this corpse, in its moments of declaration for wishing
existence once again. I rage in my voice that it will shut up. That it will
release itself from my ankles and let me walk in peace. But in just the moments
I stop. Where I turn to yell at it. I give hours for the hills to build. And in
doing so, I fall to its feeble tone. And in the gift of mere glimpse of my
presence, with my head turned. The corpse smiles as it holds me still. It looks
up as if I will give it my hand and pry it from my ankles.
But I do not, and in
this fruitless exhaustion of yelling. I accomplish nothing, I see only its
festering body wafting with a pungent smell. I see its peeling skin raise from
the bone, exposing it for what it truly is. Truly, it is but the extension of
myself, my horrid past bleeds from. The screams of my hell crest over the
wounds of this vile thing. And I feel, as if I should answer it, that it is but
my duty to comfort it.
Though, only empty holes lay where its eyes once lived. The
void they present brings guilt upon me as the corpse smiles with its putrid
grin. And in that single moment of guilt, I listen a little longer, I forgive it
a little more. I say it is I, and it is I who must release you. But in that
guilt, I feel an odd sense of comfort.
That in this feeling, it would be okay to sit, to lie down
and converse with this repulsive creature and hear its plead. But I know I mustn't,
for it is a mere shadow. A scarred slate that can no longer be marked. That it
must be forgotten and forgiven, though it may always be a shadow in my view.
But how do I release what is still me?
How do you get past the things that hold on to you?
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