A Morning Hell

A Morning Hell Time is running out, the bomb has only ten minutes left, what do we do?" Says Jermaine as he looks to the weave of wires. With his weapon in hand and keeping eye down the hall way from the exit of the room, Cash responds, "I don't know...I don't know." Jermaine, staring at the bomb with beading sweat he looks over at their downed friend Cruise, his lifeless body lay slumped against the wall with his back. His head settled into his chest as blood dries from a wound just below his heart. Jermaine looks back at the bomb, it's time ticking away, counting down their lasts breathes. Jermaine, rushes over to Cruises body and looks for the bomb diffuse manual, a small manual with overall tips for certain explosive designs. Jermaine fumbling through Cruises body, "Maybe there is something on that stupid manual Cruise had." Wiping away sweat he reaches into Cruises left chest pouch and finds t...