Turmoil- One Of My Favorites
This is a story plucked from my first book. It is one of my favorites that was inspired by a story a friend of mine had told about himself growing up.
I thought you my like to see how my writings has changed from a year ago till now. Maybe you see no change, maybe you do. Let me know!
And Thank you for reading!

The fire dancing with the
wind guides the flames swirling toward the sky. Ashes swim around the
fire, around the man’s face and feet. Like fire flies that die, the ashes give
a glimpse of what lies after life. The man turns each page with eager intent as
his eyes glide across the pages like a child watching their mom place ice cream
upon the table. With each page turned the fire seems to grow a little bit more.
The wind seems to blaze more rapidly, tossing leaves and branches from the
ground. Creating what looks like nature’s way of showing its hands. But the man
has no sense in looking up, the book has his attention, has every nerve, every
sense, every inch of the man locked into its jaws. Nothing is more mind
trenching than the book he grasps in his hungry hands . Nothing captures this
man’s heart and eyes, like the tortures of a good book, filled with crisp
thoughts of death. Like a cool winter's night this book nips at the man’s
heart. It’s not too cold but just right, numbing the senses just enough to have
a sensible sensation of nature’s kiss.
The man is deeply engaged
as the book grows near the end. As shadows cast like clouds from the sky, the
fire tells no lie. Noises begin to creep through the woods and the fire begins
to dim. But still the man pays no attention to his erratic surroundings. The
wind picks up a roaring dance and begins to toss branches like feathers from a
bird. Still the man holds tight to his book as the wind tilts his chair, but
not enough to fall. Quickly grasping the pages one after the other, the howls
of nature begin to pick up. The man grows more and more eager to finish the
book, his mind is salivating like a hungry dog. His heart continues to beat
like a wild drum. With no notice the fire grows dim and dies, but the moon
shines bright. Bright enough to cast light upon the man’s book as if it was
reading along with the man’s eyes.
The wind continued to howl and continued to
try and push the man’s chair over on its side. Still the man ignored as he kept
his balance and his eager eyes to his book. Suddenly the howls grew silent and
what was left of the dead fire was tossed from the ground. Creating a dust
cloud of black coals and falling into the man’s lap. The tossed ashes fell upon
his book and the man with no hesitation grew angry. Viciously brushing off the
ashes from the book he was so close to the end, only a few more pages and he
will read the end of such a dark but delectable book he thought. With just a
few swipes of his hand and some angry mumbles the man brushed off as much of
the ash as he could. Just enough so he could read the page to finish it and
turn to the next. Only one more page till the end he thought. As his mind grew
more and more salivated his hands tightened even more. As if vice grips was
what they were, so tight you could almost see the blood building up just before
the tips of his fingers. A blood red is what you could call the color of his
hands. Soon he reached the second to last page of the book.
wind played calm and the animals lay quiet within the woods. He placed his feet
to the ground and leaned forward in his chair, pushing himself to the edge.
Excited to read the end his eyes grew wide and his heart grew almost silent, as
if it knew to keep quiet so every word from the book could be read and tasted
with each syllable. Suddenly the wind picked up, ghostly eyes appeared and
surrounded the man but he did not notice. Suddenly the book was thrown from his
hands by the wind and just above him a branch cracked. As the book flew he
leaned out to try and stop it, but no luck. It escapes his greedy hands and the
cracked branch could hold no more and it fell landing just to the right of him.
He was startled by the branch and frightened, he stood up and stumbled back and
away from it. As he was stumbling back he tripped on a log just to the right of
the chair a few paces back. He fell back and let out a small frightened gasp as
his head fell back and his neck landed gracefully across a downed trees branch.
Causing him to fracture his neck and fall to the ground.
He could not move nor speak but his eyes, his
eyes could see and move. And there lie the book just inches from his face,
pages flapping in the wind turning from one page to the next, from the front to
the back. He tried so hard to move and all he could think about was finishing
the book. Reading the end and letting his mind taste the last bite of it. But
he couldn’t, he lay helpless like a lame dog. Drooling down his face and
creating a disgusted gurgling noise as glowing eyes crept from around him.
Howls from wolves begin to roar out like an opera. Growls begin to sprout out
around him like droplets of rain. His eyes grew wide as he heard footsteps of
animals cross dry leaves and broken branches. Still he struggled trying to
reach for the book. But nothing could be done, his body was motionless. The wolves teeth began to shine like piano
keys struck by moonlight in an empty room. Opening wide saliva stretched across
the wolves teeth, eager to taste the man’s flesh. And all the man could do was
lie there as the wolves mouth grew closer and closer. Its hot breath reached
the man’s face, pressing against him like a hot vent from a cheap hotel.
The wolf stepped inches from his face sniffing
the man from his mouth to his feet.
Trying to find the perfect point his teeth could sink smoothly into the man's flesh and begin to
tear him apart. And just before it began its feast, it let out the deepest howl
any man has heard, and there, from the darkest parts of the woods came a hungry
pack of wolves. Walking confidently and eager to the man’s ever dying body.
Soon they all surrounded him. They looked upon him as his eyes grew weak and
sad, letting out a few tears. Just before the wolves took hold of his body with
their long sharpened teeth to tear into him like the perfect meal. Insatiably waiting to pull at each of his
limbs, tearing his flesh like cotton from a doll. The book was tossed by the
wind and landed at one of the wolves feet. The Wolf looked down at the book and
sniffed it a few times, while giving it a few licks to see if any flavorful taste could be drawn from it.
But the book held no flavor to the wolf, the wolf then ignored the book and the
rest of the wolves gathered even closer to the man. The man began to gargle on
his own drool. Just has he began to choke the wolves dug into him like a greedy
family at thanksgiving. Chomping down with no manners, pressing their teeth
down puncturing his clothes, reaching into his flesh and ripping him apart. The
man could do nothing but gently scream in pain through his own drowning mouth
of blood and spit.
eyes let off tears streaming down his torn face. The wolves went at it what
seem like for hours. Gnawing at his legs, his stomach, pulling chunks out of
his gut like spaghetti. One wolf lunged for his face ripping off his cheek. The
man watched in horror as the wolves devoured him like a well cooked turkey
fresh from the oven. The man could smell his own bloodied and torn flesh waff
thickly into his nose. After much suffering
and arguing wolves over his meaty flesh. They stopped, the wolves finally
seemed satisfied. They stepped back and looked at him as he lay dying, starring
as if waiting for him to get up and run. But the man forced by a fractured neck
could only lie there in agony, looking horrified by the very presence of his
own flesh dangling from his face. The wolves with no rhyme or reason turned
away and left. As they walked away the wind came too once more with a heavy
gust, pushing the earth up and once more tossing the book. It landed at the
man's face with the title facing up. The man with his tortured eyes looked at
it and gave a cringing smile. Soon the pain was too much. Blood and spit began
to pour from his mouth as his body forced it from his system. He coughed over
and over letting bubbles and chunks of this mixture of human fluid eject.
Eventually he had his last cough and the man, well he didn’t die from the
wolf's insatiable love for meat. But Sadly, he drowned on his own taste of
blood and spit.
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